TerkoTech IT/ Security Staffing
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Having trouble finding good candidates for your job openings?

Have you posted jobs on Indeed, LinkedIn, Career Builder etc. and found that almost none of the replies match your job requirements?

What’s going on?

In today's full employment economy, there are now more job openings than job seekers (see chart below). For IT Security, the figure is probably more like 3-4 job openings per job seeker.

There are now more job openings than job seekers

Here are some strategies on finding and hiring the best talent in this environment:

How do you attract candidates who are already employed?

During the 2009 – 2012 recession, there were many strong candidates who were unemployed through no fault of their own. They were easy to recruit and easy to convince to take a new job. In today’s economy, this is no longer the case. A gainfully employed candidate will not leave his or her current company unless there are solid reasons to do so. To entice a candidate to leave their current job for yours, your company will have to offer one or more of the following, in order of priority:

How can we help?

Give us a call to discuss your needs.
You can use our staffing request form, but it’s best to give us a call and discuss your job requirements in detail with one of our recruiters.